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Meeting-Driven Businesses


For meeting-driven businesses, virtual experience meetings present an opportunity to revolutionise collaboration and transform the way teams connect and work together, both internally and externally.
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Can more meetings and less productivity be the secret sauce for success_
Meetings Galore

You Need a Dedicated Platform for Well-Planned Meetings to Get High-Quality Outputs

By acknowledging and addressing the challenges of your current meeting mix, meeting-driven companies can optimize their meeting culture, striking a balance between collaboration and focused productivity. This, in turn, drives organisational success, benefiting both internal stakeholders by fostering a more efficient and engaging work environment, and external stakeholders through improved products, services, and overall satisfaction.


Time Drainage and Inefficiency: Excessive meetings drain valuable time that could otherwise be dedicated to critical tasks, resulting in reduced productivity and delays in project completion. Employees find themselves trapped in unproductive discussions instead of making tangible progress. For meeting-driven companies, reducing the number and duration of meetings can free up time for employees to focus on strategic initiatives and core business activities. This leads to improved productivity, faster project turnaround times, and increased efficiency, benefitting both internal stakeholders by maximising their output and external stakeholders by delivering products or services promptly.

Lack of Focus and Diluted Accountability: When faced with a barrage of meetings, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a clear focus on objectives. As the number of meetings rises, individual accountability becomes diluted, making it challenging to assign ownership of tasks and outcomes. Streamlining the meeting process and aligning meetings with specific objectives can enhance focus and accountability. By having fewer, more purposeful meetings, meeting-driven companies enable their teams to stay on track, ensuring everyone understands their responsibilities and increasing overall accountability. This fosters a sense of ownership and drives better results for both internal and external stakeholders.

Decision Paralysis and Bottlenecks: The frequency of meetings often overwhelms decision-making processes, leading to decision paralysis and creating bottlenecks in the workflow. Multiple meetings can delay crucial decisions, hindering progress and causing frustration among team members. Implementing efficient decision-making frameworks and minimizing unnecessary meetings can significantly reduce decision-making bottlenecks. By streamlining the decision-making process, meeting-driven companies can make faster, well-informed decisions, enabling prompt execution of initiatives and preventing unnecessary delays. This benefits both internal stakeholders by improving workflow efficiency and external stakeholders by ensuring timely delivery of products or services.

Information Overload and Cognitive Fatigue: Back-to-back meetings inundate employees with excessive information, resulting in cognitive fatigue. The constant stream of discussions and data overload impairs employees' ability to process and retain important details, diminishing their overall cognitive capacity. Implementing strategies to minimize information overload, such as concise meeting agendas and clear communication, can combat cognitive fatigue. By reducing unnecessary information and facilitating focused discussions, meeting-driven companies enable employees to absorb and retain essential information, improving decision-making, problem-solving, and creative thinking. This enhances the quality of work delivered to both internal and external stakeholders.

Limited Preparation and Lack of Quality Output: Squeezing numerous meetings into a packed schedule leaves little time for adequate preparation. This rushed approach hampers the quality of outputs, as employees are unable to invest sufficient time and effort into producing innovative solutions. Missed opportunities for creativity and innovation become common. By promoting well-planned meetings with adequate preparation time, meeting-driven companies empower employees to deliver high-quality outputs. This ensures that internal stakeholders receive top-notch work, leading to improved products, services, or processes that ultimately benefit external stakeholders.

Reduced Autonomy and Creativity: Excessive meetings restrict individual autonomy and hinder creative thinking. Employees find themselves trapped in a cycle of meetings, leaving little room for independent thought and idea generation. By embracing a culture of trust, delegating authority, and encouraging autonomy, meeting-driven companies can unlock the creative potential of their employees. Allowing individuals the freedom to think creatively and act independently fosters innovation, generates fresh ideas, and drives positive change, benefiting both internal stakeholders by promoting a vibrant and engaging work environment and external stakeholders through the introduction of innovative products or services.

Inefficient Use of Resources: An excessive number of meetings often leads to an inefficient allocation of resources. Valuable resources, such as employee time, meeting rooms, and technology, may be wasted or underutilized. Meeting-driven companies that optimize resource allocation experience improved cost-efficiency and resource optimization. By reducing unnecessary meetings and utilising resources effectively, companies can reallocate resources to more critical areas, enhance operational efficiency, and potentially pass cost savings on to external stakeholders.

Communication Gaps and Misalignment: Excessive meetings can create communication gaps and misalignment within teams and across departments. Messages and important details can get distorted or lost in the shuffle of frequent meetings, leading to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and inefficiencies in collaboration. Meeting-driven companies that focus on effective communication practices experience smoother operations and enhanced collaboration. By fostering clear and concise communication, leveraging technology for efficient information sharing, and promoting cross-functional collaboration, these companies ensure alignment, minimise misunderstandings, and enhance the overall experience for both internal and external stakeholders.

Lack of Follow-through and Accountability: When meetings become a routine occurrence, the follow-through on action items and accountability for outcomes can diminish. The continuous cycle of meetings without tangible results can lead to unfulfilled commitments, missed deadlines, and a lack of progress. Meeting-driven companies that prioritize follow-through and accountability reap significant benefits. Ensuring that action items are documented, tracked, and regularly reviewed leads to increased productivity, improved project management, and higher levels of trust and satisfaction among both internal and external stakeholders.

Reduced Flexibility and Adaptability: A high volume of meetings limits flexibility and adaptability in responding to changing market dynamics. Employees become tied to fixed schedules and rigid routines, making it challenging to swiftly adjust strategies or seize emerging opportunities. Meeting-driven companies that embrace flexibility and adaptability gain a competitive edge. By adopting agile practices, empowering employees to make quick decisions, and leveraging technology for virtual collaboration, these companies can swiftly respond to market changes, drive innovation, and cater to the evolving needs of external stakeholders.

Exclusion of Key Stakeholders: Frequent meetings often involve a limited number of participants, unintentionally excluding key stakeholders who possess valuable insights and perspectives. Meeting-driven companies that prioritise inclusivity benefit from a broader range of perspectives and enhanced stakeholder engagement. By involving key stakeholders in relevant meetings, seeking their input, and providing opportunities for their contributions, these companies can strengthen relationships, improve decision-making, and ensure the delivery of products or services that meet the needs and expectations of external stakeholders.

Negative Impact on Diversity and Inclusion: An overreliance on meetings can inadvertently perpetuate biases, as certain individuals may be excluded due to conflicting schedules or lack of representation. Meeting-driven companies that champion diversity and inclusion create a more inclusive and equitable work environment. By actively seeking diverse perspectives, implementing inclusive meeting practices, and fostering a culture that values diverse voices, these companies benefit from enhanced creativity, innovation, and a stronger connection with external stakeholders who value diversity and inclusion.

Missed Learning and Development Opportunities: Excessive meetings may hinder employees' ability to attend training sessions, workshops, or industry conferences, limiting their professional growth and development. Meeting-driven companies that prioritize learning and development gain a competitive advantage. By balancing meeting schedules with dedicated time for training, skill development, and knowledge sharing, these companies empower employees to expand their capabilities. This leads to enhanced expertise, improved problem-solving abilities, and ultimately delivers higher value to external stakeholders through superior products, services, or support.

The Dawn of A New Era

A treasure trove of innovation is where the exchange of knowledge knows no bounds

"In a world where meetings reigned supreme, the shift to a structured virtual knowledge sharing platform marks the dawn of a new era. No longer confined by the limitations of time and space, these businesses unleash the power of collective intelligence, igniting a symphony of ideas that transcend borders and elevate collaboration to unprecedented heights. As the virtual realm becomes their playground, they unlock a treasure trove of innovation, where the exchange of knowledge knows no bounds. It's a revolution that propels them forward, transforming their meetings from mere gatherings into transformative journeys, where every interaction fuels their collective growth and propels them towards boundless success."

Andreas Høgsberg profile picture
Andreas HøgsbergCEO & Founder, Virtual Hive
  • Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Logistics and Shipping
  • Professional Services
  • Financial Services
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Automotive
  • Technology
  • Energy
  • Retail

Distributing Consumer Products

External: FMCG companies can leverage virtual experience platforms to offer virtual product demonstrations, allowing customers to experience the features and benefits of products remotely. They can host virtual product launches and interactive brand experiences can engage consumers worldwide, generating buzz and driving sales. Furthermore, virtual sampling programs can provide customers with a digital experience of trying out products, encouraging purchase decisions.
InternalVirtual experience platforms enable FMCG companies to conduct virtual training programs for employees, ensuring consistent product knowledge and sales techniques across international teams. Furthermore, virtual collaboration tools facilitate seamless communication and information sharing among global teams, enhancing collaboration on product development, marketing strategies, and supply chain management.

Experiences to Travellers Worldwide

External: Virtual experience platforms enable hotels and travel agencies to provide virtual tours of accommodations, attractions, and destinations, giving potential travellers a realistic preview and enticing them to book. Virtual reality experiences can transport travellers to different locations, immersing them in unique cultural experiences before their trip. Virtual event platforms can host virtual trade shows, conferences, and destination showcases, connecting tourism stakeholders with global partners and buyers.
Internal: For the hospitality and tourism industry, virtual experience platforms provide training modules and simulations for hospitality employees, enhancing their skills in customer service, language proficiency, and cultural awareness to cater to diverse international guests. Virtual internal communication platforms enable real-time collaboration among dispersed teams, streamlining operations, and ensuring efficient guest management across international locations.

Facilitating Global Trade

External: Virtual experience platforms can offer real-time shipment tracking, allowing customers to monitor the progress of their packages and gain visibility into the logistics process. Virtual collaboration tools facilitate seamless communication between shipping providers, customs agents, and clients, ensuring smooth cross-border operations. Virtual supply chain management platforms provide end-to-end visibility and transparency, optimising inventory management and reducing logistical complexities.
InternalVirtual experience platforms offer virtual training sessions for logistics and shipping employees, improving their knowledge of international trade regulations, customs procedures, and efficient supply chain management. Virtual document management systems streamline internal processes, allowing for efficient sharing and retrieval of shipping documents, invoices, and customs declarations across global teams.

Providing Consulting, Auditing, and Advisory services

External: Virtual experience platforms enable professional services firms to deliver virtual consulting sessions, allowing clients to access expert advice and guidance remotely. Virtual workshops and training programs can be conducted, providing clients with valuable insights and knowledge sharing without the need for physical presence. Virtual project collaboration platforms facilitate real-time collaboration and document sharing, enabling global teams to work together efficiently on international projects.
InternalVirtual experience platforms facilitate virtual team meetings, enabling seamless collaboration and knowledge sharing among professionals working in different regions. Virtual project management tools provide a centralised platform for tracking project progress, assigning tasks, and monitoring deliverables, ensuring efficient project execution across international teams.

Extensive International Operations

External: Virtual experience platforms empower banks and financial institutions to offer virtual banking services, allowing customers to manage accounts, conduct transactions, and seek financial advice remotely. Virtual meetings and webinars can facilitate cross-border communication between financial advisors and clients, enabling personalised consultations and fostering trust. Virtual investment platforms provide global investors with access to international markets, enabling them to make informed investment decisions and diversify their portfolios.
Internal: For financial institutions, virtual experience platforms can offer a source-of-truth for virtual training and certification programs for financial services professionals, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate international financial markets and regulatory frameworks. Virtual collaboration platforms enable global financial teams to work together on complex transactions, securely sharing sensitive information, and ensuring compliance with international regulations.

Distributing Medications and Healthcare Products worldwide

External: For pharma, they can conduct virtual conferences and webinars, connecting with healthcare professionals, researchers, and industry experts worldwide to share knowledge and advancements in medical research. With virtual patient education platforms, pharma can provide accessible and interactive resources for patients, offering information about medications, treatment options, and disease management, regardless of geographical location. Moreover, virtual clinical trial platforms allow pharmaceutical companies to engage with international patient populations, facilitating remote participation and data collection, leading to more diverse and representative clinical trial results.
InternalVirtual experience platforms support remote collaboration and communication among research and development teams, enabling global pharmaceutical companies to accelerate drug discovery and development. With virtual training programs and knowledge-sharing sessions, pharma companies can ensure consistent learning experiences for employees across different regions. Also, virtual clinical trials and patient simulations streamline the research and testing process, reducing costs and improving efficiency in drug development.

Catering to a Global Customer Base

External: Virtual experience platforms enable automotive manufacturers to provide virtual showrooms and configurators, allowing potential customers from different countries to explore and customise vehicles before making a purchase decision. Virtual test drive experiences allow customers to virtually experience the performance and features of cars, enabling international customers to make informed decisions without physically visiting the dealership. Virtual customer support platforms provide global customers with real-time assistance, troubleshooting, and guidance on vehicle features and maintenance, ensuring a seamless ownership experience.
Internal: The automotive industry can conduct virtual product launches and showcase new car models to a global audience. With virtual reality simulations they can enhance employee training in manufacturing, assembly, and service processes, ensuring standardisation and efficiency across international operations.Furthermore, virtual showrooms and configurators allow customers to customise and visualise their desired vehicles, enhancing the car-buying experience remotely, both for the benefit of customers and employees.

Providing Products and Services to Customers Worldwide

External: Technology companies can host virtual product launches and demonstrations, reaching a global audience and showcasing the latest innovations without the limitations of physical events. With virtual training and certification programs, tech companies can provide international customers with self-paced learning modules and assessments, empowering them to acquire expertise in using software, hardware, or digital solutions. Furthermore, virtual developer communities and forums foster global collaboration among technology enthusiasts, allowing developers from different regions to exchange ideas, share best practices, and collectively drive innovation.
Internal: Facilitate virtual conferences, allows technology companies to connect with global audiences, present new products, and engage in networking and knowledge sharing. With virtual training programs and certification courses, they can equip employees and partners with the necessary skills and expertise to support international customers. Moreover, cirtual testing and development environments enable software companies to collaborate globally, ensuring the compatibility and performance of their products across diverse markets.

Exploring, Producing, and Distributing

External: Energy companies can be enabled to offer virtual tours of power plants, renewable energy facilities, or offshore installations, giving international stakeholders an immersive and informative experience without the need for physical visits. With energy monitoring systems already in place, these can be projected in a virtual platform and provide real-time energy consumption data and analytics to international clients, enabling them to optimise energy usage and identify efficiency opportunities across multiple locations. Virtual energy consultation platforms connect energy experts with global businesses, offering remote energy assessments, customised recommendations, and strategic planning for sustainability initiatives.
Internal: Supporting remote monitoring and control of energy infrastructure across different locations, ensuring optimal operations and maintenance. With virtual collaboration tools global energy companies can be enabled to coordinate projects, share data, and collaborate on international renewable energy initiatives. This goes hand in hand with virtual training and simulation programs made to enhance the skills and knowledge of employees in the energy sector, improving safety, and operational efficiency.

Reaching Consumers Globally

External: Retailers can create immersive virtual shopping experiences, allowing customers worldwide to browse complex products online with interactive features, personalised recommendations, and expert domain knowledge. Virtual customer engagement platforms can also facilitate real-time customer support through chat, video calls, or virtual assistants, providing personalised assistance, resolving inquiries, and building customer loyalty across different regions.
Internal: For retailers, virtual experience platforms enable international retailers to offer virtual shopping experiences, where customers can browse and have an extended experience of the products online. Virtual pop-up stores and exhibitions can reach global audiences, showcasing new collections and driving brand engagement without the need for physical stores. Virtual customer support platforms provide personalised assistance to global customers, enhancing their shopping experience and ensuring timely resolution of inquiries.

Who Its For

Crafted to Meet High Standards

Unlocking Success for Regulated Industries, Cross-Border Businesses, and Long Sales Cycle Products.

Regulated industries iconRegulated Industries

Reinforce essential knowledge and skills, streamline compliance processes, and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.

International cross-border companiesCross-border companies

Enhancing operational efficiency and global alignment with a central platform for training, communication, and consistent messaging.

Product with long sales cycleLong sales cycles

Educate the industry, showcase complex features, and provide interactive demos that accelerate the buying process.

Why bother?

The Adoption of Enhanced Meeting Experiences Positions Companies as Pioneers in Their Industries

A company that heavily relies on physical and digital meetings for its operations and revenue generation should consider utilising a virtual experience platform for knowledge sharing due to several compelling reasons. Here are tangible examples and the importance of doing it sooner rather than later:


  • Cost Savings: By adopting a virtual experience platform, companies can achieve significant cost savings. Virtual platforms eliminate the need for travel, reducing expenses associated with flights, accommodation, ground transportation, and per diems. Moreover, companies can save on venue rentals and catering costs for meetings, conferences, and events. Shifting to virtual platforms allows businesses to allocate these saved resources to other critical areas, such as research and development or marketing, ultimately increasing overall profitability.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Virtual platforms break down geographical barriers and make knowledge sharing accessible to a wider audience. Employees, clients, and partners can participate in meetings, presentations, and training sessions from anywhere in the world, eliminating the need for travel and accommodation. This inclusivity fosters increased engagement and collaboration among stakeholders, enabling diverse perspectives and expertise to contribute to decision-making processes.
  • Scalability: Virtual platforms offer the flexibility to scale knowledge sharing efforts rapidly. Companies can effortlessly host large-scale conferences, training programs, and workshops without the limitations imposed by physical venues. Virtual environments provide the necessary infrastructure to accommodate a growing audience, whether it's an expanding workforce or an increasing customer base. This scalability ensures that knowledge dissemination remains effective and efficient, supporting organizational growth.
  • Improved Efficiency: Virtual platforms provide a wide array of tools and features that enhance meeting efficiency. Features such as screen sharing, chat functionality, real-time collaboration, and document sharing streamline interactions and decision-making processes. Virtual meetings can be conducted more efficiently, allowing participants to focus on the agenda at hand and minimizing distractions. These streamlined processes contribute to increased productivity, optimized time management, and better outcomes.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Shifting to virtual platforms aligns with a company's sustainability efforts by reducing its carbon footprint. By eliminating or significantly reducing travel-related activities, virtual experiences help to decrease carbon emissions associated with transportation. This environmental responsibility aligns with the growing global emphasis on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, positively influencing stakeholders' perception of the company.
  • Adaptation to Changing Trends: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual platforms and remote work. Companies that fail to embrace this change risk falling behind competitors who quickly adapt to new ways of doing business. By implementing virtual experience platforms for knowledge sharing, businesses demonstrate agility, resilience, and readiness to adapt to evolving market trends. Embracing virtual experiences positions companies at the forefront of innovation and future-proofs their operations.
  • Continuity and Disaster Preparedness: Virtual platforms serve as a vital component of business continuity and disaster preparedness plans. In the face of unforeseen circumstances or natural disasters that disrupt physical meetings, having a virtual infrastructure in place ensures uninterrupted operations, knowledge sharing, and revenue generation. Virtual platforms act as a reliable backup plan, enabling companies to maintain connectivity and collaboration even during challenging times, safeguarding their business interests.
Who needs time for actual work when you can have meetings galore_
Adhering to Strict Standards

Regulated Industries

Oftentimes, they’re publicly listed companies and must adhere to strict standards and ethical business practices while often being subject to extensive government oversight. Being frequently in the public eye and subject to intense scrutiny from consumers, stakeholders, and regulators, companies within regulated industries typically have global operations and presence thus must navigate complex cross-border regulations and cultural differences.

Governed Sectors Navigating complex and ethical practices
Ensuring Operation and Continuity

Cross-border Enterprises

Mostly multinational, large enterprises with large workforces, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Often have manufacturing facilities, research centres, and sales offices in multiple countries, as well as long-lasting and crucial network of resellers, distributors, partners, and suppliers. They have robust business continuity plans in place to ensure they can operate in the event of a major disruption.

International companies Global presence and dependencies
Improving Operational Efficiencies

Long Sales Cycle Products

Usually, these companies have complex or pioneering products that they need to educate their respective industry about, all while relying on intellectual property protection to maintain a competitive advantage. There are high customer expectations for quality, reliability, and service, and these businesses leverage big data and analytics to gain insights into customer behaviour, improve operational efficiencies, and develop new products.

Advanced Products Shifting customer behaviour and preferences

Rethink Meeting Structures

Avoiding Unnecessary Fatigue and Maximising Productivity

The Right Reasons

Embrace virtual experiences sooner for a competitive advantage and meet market expectations

A virtual experience platform enables companies heavily reliant on physical and digital meetings to enhance knowledge sharing, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and adapt to changing trends.

By embracing this transition sooner rather than later, businesses can gain a competitive advantage, mitigate learning curves, meet market expectations, and achieve long-term cost savings.

In today's business landscape, the shift towards a structured virtual knowledge sharing platform signifies a pivotal moment of transformation. By liberating themselves from the constraints of time and physical boundaries, businesses are now able to harness the power of collective intelligence, facilitating seamless collaboration that transcends geographical limitations. This transition ushers in a new era of enhanced productivity and innovation, as organisations leverage virtual platforms to unlock unprecedented levels of collaboration, fuelling the exchange of ideas and insights across teams and locations.

It is essential for companies to consider adopting virtual experience platforms sooner rather than later due to the following reasons:

  • Competitive Advantage: Companies that embrace virtual platforms early gain a competitive advantage by being pioneers in their industry. They can establish themselves as leaders in remote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and customer engagement, attracting top talent and retaining existing clients.
  • Learning Curve: Implementing a virtual experience platform involves a learning curve for employees and stakeholders. By adopting it early, companies provide ample time for individuals to become familiar with the technology, optimise its usage, and develop effective virtual meeting etiquettes. This minimises disruptions and ensures smooth transitions.
  • Market Expectations: Customers and partners are increasingly expecting businesses to offer virtual engagement options. Meeting this expectation demonstrates adaptability and customer-centricity. By fulfilling these expectations sooner, companies can foster stronger relationships and retain a competitive edge.
  • Long-Term Cost Savings: By embracing virtual experiences earlier, companies can capitalise on long-term cost savings. The earlier the transition, the more physical meeting expenses can be reduced, resulting in higher cumulative savings over time.
The Meeting Puzzle_ When inside the meeting puzzle, an outside view is crucial

Old Way

Branded screen sharing and website extensions with option to change logo, fonts, and colour palette.

New Way

Animated and branded 3D environment where frame of mind and feelings is greatly persuaded.

Cadence of events
Always-on portal
Relationship building
Transaction of knowledge
American servers
Multi-tenancy & GDPR
Siloed for Event
Flow to tech-stack
Default scenes
Custom & standard skins
All event formats
Selected event formats
Branded 2D
Animated & branded 3D
Same content for all
Recommended content
Occurs simultaneously
Can happen unsynchronised
Mixed energy
Renewable energy
Is every problem really solved with yet another regular meeting_


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