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One-Time Events

Unmatched Virtual Experience

Designed for immersive virtual events

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Use Cases

The Use Case for Your Needs

Synonyms for ‘Big Event’-2

Branded for Business

Branded for Business

Personalise every aspect of your event. With custom branding options, your virtual platform not only looks professional but also echoes your brand's voice and ethos. Just look how Food Nation and Bayer AG did this. 

Intuitive Engagement

Intuitive Engagement

Dive into a platform designed for immersive virtual events. Whether you're introducing a new product, hosting an annual summit, or bringing a global team together, our platform ensures every participant feels involved and connected. That is what Configit did twice, both in 2023 and 2024

Live Video Conferencing

Live Video Conferencing

Whether you’re catering to global audiences across different time zones or addressing specific segments, our platform supports both on-demand video playback and real-time live conferencing. Deliver your content your way.

Let your attendees be their own editors
Set a New Standard

Redefine How Your Event is Experienced

Event dynamics are rapidly evolving. Now, more than ever, it's vital to ensure that your audience remains captivated and engaged. Redefine how your event is experienced and set a new standard for virtual interactions.
Main Lobby
Breakout Classroom
Main stage
Welcome desk - let meetings matter again
Breakout Lobby
Exhibition hall - unlimited virtual stands
Theatre - Get everyone on the same page
One-Off Events

What to Consider?

A strong content strategy is pivotal for successful virtual events. Given today's brief attention spans and everyday distractions, it's essential to align content with attendees' daily routines. To maintain engagement, offer concise, themed sessions, adopt a TV show-like narrative, and present information that's easily assimilated.

When planning one-off virtual events, several key considerations come into play to ensure their success:

  • Clear Objectives: Define what you hope to achieve with the event. Is it brand awareness, lead generation, product launch, training, or something else?
  • Target Audience: Understand who you're trying to reach. Tailor content, design, and promotion to this demographic.
  • Platform Selection: Choose a reliable virtual event platform that aligns with your needs, whether it's webinars, large-scale conferences, or interactive workshops.
  • Content Format: Determine the mix of live presentations, on-demand videos, interactive sessions, Q&A forums, etc.
  • Engagement Tools: Incorporate tools like polls, chat functions, breakout rooms, and gamification to keep attendees engaged.
  • Rehearsal: Conduct dry runs to ensure speakers are comfortable with the platform and to iron out technical glitches.
  • Promotion: Utilise various channels (email, social media, partners) to promote the event and increase attendance.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that the event is accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Consider features like captioning for the hearing impaired.
  • Networking Opportunities: Provide avenues for attendees to network with one another, as this is often a major draw for events.
  • Data Analytics: Utilise the event platform's data analytics to gather insights on attendee behaviour, session popularity, engagement levels, etc.
  • Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from attendees post-event to understand what worked and where improvements can be made.
  • Follow-up: After the event, engage with attendees through thank you emails, content recaps, and lead nurturing to maintain momentum.
  • Technical Support: Ensure there's a support team on standby during the event to address any technical issues.
  • Security: Implement measures to ensure the security and privacy of your attendees' data.
  • Time Zone Considerations: If your audience is global, consider hosting multiple sessions or choose a time that is reasonable for the majority of attendees.
  • Budget: Account for all costs, including platform fees, promotional activities, and any paid speakers or content.
Virtual events doesn’t replace its in-person counterparts... they lengthen the runway
Balancing the Physical and Digital

The Financial and Productivity Gains of Virtual Events

Physical events have long held an esteemed position in the world of corporate and community gatherings. The tangible feel of a handshake, the serendipity of a hallway conversation, and the grandeur of a well-orchestrated live event are undeniable assets. These gatherings create memories, cement relationships, and often catalyse spontaneous creativity and collaboration. However, the complexities and financial implications tied to organising these events are significant, highlighting the case for virtual alternatives.

Financial Advantages of Virtual Events:

  • Cost Savings: The expenses tied to venue rentals, equipment hire, catering, and travel quickly add up for physical events. Virtual platforms, on the other hand, require an initial investment but offer scalability without proportional cost increases.
  • No Travel Expenses: For global corporations, flying in executives, speakers, or attendees can be one of the most significant cost factors. Virtual events eliminate this cost entirely.
  • Reduced Staffing Needs: Physical events require security, venue staff, caterers, and logistical teams. Virtual events streamline operations, reducing personnel costs.
  • Sponsorship Opportunities: Digital platforms offer unique branding and sponsorship opportunities, potentially providing additional revenue streams.

Productivity Benefits of Virtual Events:

  • Time Efficiency: Without the need for travel, attendees and organisers save significant time. This means less downtime for key employees and more time focused on core business activities.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Virtual events can be more accommodating to diverse global time zones and personal schedules. On-demand content ensures no one misses out, even if they can't attend in real-time.
  • Focused Engagement: Digital platforms provide tools to direct attendees to the most relevant content for them, ensuring a more personalised and efficient experience.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Analytics from virtual platforms can guide future content and strategy, optimising the event experience over time and ensuring that content hits the mark.
  • Enhanced Networking: Virtual platforms often come with tools that match attendees based on interests or professional background, leading to more meaningful networking opportunities.

It's important to remember that physical events bring irreplaceable human connections and experiential memories. There's a magic to live events that's hard to replicate digitally. However, as the world becomes more interconnected and as companies strive for efficiency and scale, virtual events present a compelling proposition.

By blending the best of both worlds - perhaps a major annual physical event complemented by a series of virtual ones throughout the year - organisations can harness the strengths of each format, ensuring that events remain both memorable and effective.


Technology Conference

Technology Conference

In a dynamic virtual event, Configit unveiled their latest products, captivating new prospects and reinforcing ties with current clients. Delve into our case study to see how Configit excelled in boosting sales and deepening client relationships.


Product Deep-Dive

Product Deep-Dive

Discover how Carlsberg, a renowned global brewery, harnessed our platform to convene its global management for an in-depth exploration of their extensive product portfolio. By leveraging an engaging virtual space, they provided an immersive and collaborative experience, allowing key stakeholders to deep dive into each product intricacy.


Management Meeting

Management Meeting

Unveil Bayer AG's pioneering strategy for virtual conferences. With the challenge of engaging 400 online participants, they replicated the depth and interactivity of in-person gatherings. Dive into our showcase to witness Bayer's prowess in virtual networking, immersive content exploration, and dynamic live sessions spanning various hubs.

Added Benefits

Why Consider 'Virtual'?

  • Broader Reach: Virtual events eliminate geographical constraints, allowing participants from around the world to join seamlessly.
  • Cost Efficiency: Significant savings on venue bookings, travel, accommodation, and physical resources.
  • Flexibility in Scheduling: Attendees can access content at their convenience, ensuring greater participation.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Digital tools like polls, chats, and Q&A sessions foster real-time interaction and feedback.
  • Detailed Analytics: Monitor attendee behavior, session popularity, and engagement levels for future event improvements.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Reduce carbon footprint by eliminating travel and cutting down on physical materials.
  • Customised Branding: Create tailored virtual environments that reflect your brand's identity and ethos.
  • Interactive Product Launches: Use real-time and on-demand demos to showcase new offerings compellingly.
  • Versatile Formats: Easily switch between annual investor meetings, customer townhalls, strategy discussions, and more within the same platform.
  • Extended Content Lifespan: Sessions can be recorded and made available on-demand, maximizing their impact over time.
  • Secure Networking: Facilitate secure B2B or B2C networking sessions with built-in privacy features.
  • Scalability: Accommodate any number of attendees without worrying about physical space constraints.
  • Innovative Features: Leverage the power of virtual tours, 3D product displays, and immersive environments for events like open houses or expos.
  • Immediate Feedback Loop: Post-event surveys and real-time reactions help in quickly gauging the event's success and areas of improvement.
Over-programming your event schedule is a problem... but not with virtual events

We Know Events...

Building upon two decades of rich event management heritage with Agenda Group, we've had the privilege of orchestrating physical events for globally renowned brands. This wealth of experience has not only given us a good start but also a distinct edge in understanding the intricacies of creating memorable moments. As the world evolves, so do we, blending our history with the promise of innovation.

3K+ Events launched
413K+ Pieces of content uploaded
1M+ Hours played on the platform
1H 21M Avg. user time per month
Human Connection

Every moment matters, especially when it's a one-time event

"Every moment matters, especially when it's a one-time event. Our platform ensures that singular experiences leave lasting impressions, merging technology and human connection seamlessly."
Andreas-Hoegsberg-no background
Andreas HøgsbergFounder & CEO, Virtual Hive
Customer Stories

Explore *Real* One-Time Events

Case Study_ Velux_ Architectural Summit on Sustainable Building
Case Study_ Bayer AG_ Virtual Product Launch
Case Study_ Danish Crown_ Showcasing Brands & Production Lines
Untapped business potential if not combining physical and virtual experience together-4
Explore pricing & licensing →
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Get Your Answers Here

What are the technical requirements for attendees to participate in a one-time virtual event?

Attendees typically need a stable internet connection, a web browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari), and depending on the event, a webcam and microphone for interactive sessions. We provide detailed guidelines ahead of the event to ensure all participants are tech-ready.

How do you ensure high engagement levels during a virtual event compared to a physical one? Virtual events offer unique tools to boost engagement, such as interactive polls, chat rooms, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms. Additionally, the flexibility of the format allows attendees to consume content at their own pace, ensuring they remain engaged and focused throughout.
Can virtual events handle networking opportunities similar to in-person events? Absolutely! Our platform offers features like virtual networking lounges, direct messaging between participants, and attendee matching based on interests or professional backgrounds. While the dynamics might be different from in-person events, many participants find virtual networking to be even more efficient.
What happens if there are technical difficulties during the event? We have a dedicated technical support team available during the entirety of the event. They can troubleshoot issues in real-time, ensuring a smooth experience for both attendees and presenters. Additionally, we conduct pre-event tech checks to minimise potential issues. 
Can we integrate our own branding and customisation into the virtual event platform? Yes, our platform allows for extensive branding and customisation. You can integrate your logos, color schemes, promotional videos, and more to align the event environment with your brand identity, creating a unique and immersive experience for attendees.