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Manufacturers confront challenges in navigating trade show logistics and managing product supply chains, alongside adapting to market shifts and ensuring sustainability.
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Virtual Manufacturing Platform​

An Extra Dimension to Your Trade Show Activities

We understand the importance of engaging different stakeholders effectively across various events like kick-offs, fairs, and webinars, with a product experience that goes beyond the capabilities of a traditional Learning Management System (LMS).


All-in-One Solution: Unlike regular LMS, our platform is not just for training; it's a comprehensive tool for hosting webinars, meetings, and centralising product knowledge. This multifunctionality enables seamless communication and knowledge transfer.

Webinar and Meeting Capabilities: The platform integrates seamlessly with popular video conferencing tools, allowing you to conduct live webinars and meetings effortlessly, engaging with your audience in real-time.

Product Knowledge Hub: We provide a centralised space for all your product-related content, including 3D models, videos, and virtual presentations. This feature ensures that your team and stakeholders have easy and instant access to the information they need.

Parallel Product Universes: A standout feature of our platform is the ability to create parallel 'product universes.' This means you can segment and customise content based on specific regions, departments, or industry solutions, ensuring that the right information reaches the right audience.

Global Reach and Flexibility: Our platform’s design is geared towards maximising resource efficiency and global reach. It allows stakeholders to access content on-demand, from anywhere, making it an ideal solution for international teams and remote collaborations.




Many companies, especially those with complex products and long sales cycles, typically face the same challenges when it comes to traditional trade show activities - such as high costs, limited reach, logistics of products and challenges in measuring effectiveness. That's why we've developed a platform that addresses these key issues by digitalising the trade show experience - either complementing or replacing the physical presence by offering:


  • Integrated exhibition universes: Discover our customised virtual environments, like the one we created for Universal Robot, by watching this 2-minute video.
  • Cost-effectiveness and lead generation: Leverage our platform to maximise your ROI at trade shows by continuously engaging and educating your audience before, during and after the physical events.
  • Customisable features and pricing: Explore additional features and flexible pricing options here.


Companies like Danish Crown, Bayer AG, and Food Nation have already integrated our virtual exhibition platform into their strategy, reducing costs but also creating value by expanding their brand reach, educating suppliers and generating qualified leads.



Manufacturing Ecosystem

Extending reach and lifespan of physical trade shows

"By enhancing pre and post-event activities digitally, we extend the reach and lifespan of physical trade shows, enriching our manufacturing ecosystem."

Tobias Quistorff-Refn profile picture, COO at Virtual Hive
Tobias Quistorff-RefnChief Commercial Officer, Virtual Hive
  • Scope and Purpose
  • Functionality and Features
  • Engagement and Interaction
  • Customisation and Scalability
  • Value Proposition

LMS vs. Virtual Hive

LMS: Primarily educational in nature, designed to create, distribute, and manage educational content and training programs. LMS platforms are often used for internal training and development within organisations, focusing on the delivery of courses and tracking of learner progress.


Virtual Hive: Goes beyond the educational scope of an LMS by serving as an all-encompassing digital ecosystem for manufacturing companies. It's not just about training but facilitating a broad range of interactions among customers, employees, resellers, and business partners. This includes product showcases, webinars, virtual meetings, and detailed product information repositories.

LMS vs. Virtual Hive

LMS: Features course authoring, content management, assessment tools, and tracking capabilities. LMS platforms are effective for structured learning paths but may lack the flexibility to support dynamic, interactive product showcases or real-time collaboration.


Virtual Hive: Offers a multifunctional platform that integrates seamlessly with video conferencing tools for live webinars and meetings, providing real-time engagement opportunities. It allows for the creation of customisable 'product universes,' catering to specific regional or industry needs, and includes detailed 3D models, videos, and interactive presentations. This rich, interactive environment is more aligned with the experiential needs of complex manufacturing sectors.

LMS vs. Virtual Hive

LMS: Typically, LMS platforms are more unilateral, focusing on delivering content from the organisation to the learner. While modern LMS may include forums or discussion groups, the level of interactive engagement is generally limited to educational content and courses.


Virtual Hive: Designed to facilitate continuous and seamless interaction with diverse audiences, enhancing knowledge transfer and engagement in a more interactive and collaborative manner. The platform's global reach and on-demand accessibility ensure that stakeholders worldwide can connect, share, and collaborate efficiently.

LMS vs. Virtual Hive

LMS: While LMS platforms can be customised to a certain extent, they may not offer the level of customisation needed for complex manufacturing processes and products. Scalability can also be a concern, especially when it comes to integrating with other enterprise systems or adapting to rapidly changing market demands.


Virtual Hive: Specifically designed with customisation and scalability in mind, allowing manufacturing companies to tailor the platform to their unique needs. The ability to create parallel 'product universes' ensures that the platform can grow and adapt with the company, supporting varied data formats and seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure.

LMS vs. Virtual Hive

LMS: The value of an LMS lies in its ability to support learning and development initiatives, improve employee skills, and track progress towards educational goals.


Virtual Hive: Enhancing product visibility, facilitating global collaboration, and providing a virtual alternative to traditional trade shows and expos. This approach addresses the inherent challenges of traditional events, such as logistical complexities and prohibitive costs, offering a cost-effective and efficient solution for global outreach and engagement.

Who Its Also For

Crafted to Meet High Standards

Unlocking Success for Meeting-Intensive Businesses, Cross-Border Enterprises, and Long Sales Cycle Products.

Meeting-Driven Businesses iconMeeting-Intensive Businesses

Reinforce essential knowledge and skills, streamline content delivery processes, and ensure consistent communication.

International cross-border companiesCross-border companies

Enhancing operational efficiency and global alignment with a central platform for training, communication, and consistent messaging.

Product with long sales cycleLong sales cycles

Educate the industry, showcase complex features, and provide interactive demos that accelerate the buying process.

  • Virtual Product Showcases
  • Training and Upskilling
  • Trade Shows & Exhibitions
  • Customer Support
  • Market Expansion

Customisable Product Universes

For Customers and Business Partners: Virtual product showcases allow manufacturers to present their products in detailed 3D models, interactive presentations, and engaging videos. This enables customers and business partners to explore products in-depth, simulating the hands-on experience of a physical expo without geographical constraints.

For Resellers: Resellers can benefit from these virtual showcases by having access to a comprehensive repository of product knowledge, enabling them to better understand and sell the products. The customisable product universes can be tailored to suit the specific needs and market demands that resellers face.

Industry Best Practices

For Employees: The platform can host a range of training modules and educational content to help upskill employees, covering everything from product knowledge to industry best practices. This is crucial for keeping the workforce adept at handling evolving market demands and technological advancements.

For Customers and Partners It can also serve as a continuous learning hub for customers and partners, providing them with the latest product information, usage tips, and maintenance practices, ensuring they get the most value from their purchases.

Targeted Follow-ups

For Broad Audience Engagement: By digitalising the trade show experience, the platform allows companies to reach a broader audience, overcoming the limitations of physical events. This includes virtual booths, live product demonstrations, and interactive sessions that can engage participants from around the world.

For Cost-Effective Lead Generation Digital trade shows can be a more cost-effective way to generate leads compared to traditional events. The platform's ability to track participant engagement and interests can provide valuable insights for targeted follow-ups and lead nurturing.

Central Support Hub

For Customer Help and Engagement: The platform can act as a central hub for customer support, offering easy access to product manuals, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides. Live chat and video support integration can enhance customer satisfaction by providing real-time assistance.

Global Reach

For Market Expansion and Global Reach: By breaking down geographical barriers, the platform enables manufacturers to expand into new markets more easily. Customisable product universes allow for the tailoring of content and product information to specific regional requirements, ensuring relevance and compliance with local regulations.

Experience Rooms

Engaging Knowledge Sharing

Step into Virtual Hive's Experience Rooms for customised, on-demand industry insights. Engage with innovation at your convenience in a space where learning meets interactivity. Welcome to Virtual Hive – where knowledge is just a click away.
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Our Mission

Why it matters to you?

The Virtual Hive platform stands out as a multifaceted solution tailored to the unique demands of this sector. Picture this: your entire product lineup, from intricate machinery to sophisticated electronics, showcased in vivid 3D models and interactive presentations, accessible anytime, anywhere. This isn't just for your customers but also for your resellers, who now have a wealth of product knowledge at their fingertips, ensuring they pitch your products just right.

But it's not all about sales. Imagine a space where your team, from the factory floor to the executive suite, continuously learns and evolves, staying ahead of industry curves. This same platform transforms into a collaborative workshop for your internal teams and external partners, sparking innovation and fine-tuning your offerings.

Then there's the digital trade show experience, a game-changer in how we connect and network. Forget the logistical nightmares and hefty costs of traditional expos; this is your 24/7 global stage, drawing in leads with far less overhead. And when customers need support, they find not just manuals but a live chat button away from real-time assistance.

Integrating the Virtual Hive platform with physical expos and conferences creates a seamless blend of digital and real-world interactions. It's about warming up your audience before they arrive, enriching their experience during the event, and maintaining engagement afterward. This strategic approach maximises the impact of your physical presence, ensuring that every expo and conference you participate in is both memorable and effective, keeping the conversation going long after the event ends.

In essence, the Virtual Hive platform is your digital ecosystem, breaking down barriers, fostering innovation, and connecting you with your market and community like never before. It's practical, it's efficient, and it's how modern manufacturing stays competitive.

Andreas Høgsbergs underskrift

Andreas Høgsberg, CEO, Virtual Hive


Ensuring that data does not leave the EU

Privacy by Design

Data centres within the EU
Data Privacy by Design

Ensuring that data
doesn't leave the EU

Location, location, and location…ensuring EU data sovereignty involves limiting cross-border data transfers thus the server location is critical to guarantee the conditions for a trusted operation. With the advantage of being in a safe part of world - and under European legislation - your privacy and security are covered by GDPR.

We work with safety from both the business through good routines and processes and with technical solutions. Our close partnership with a Swedish cloud platform - a partner that meet the requirements for ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 - guarantees a good and ethic alternative to the major US providers.

Our cloud partner in Sweden own and handle all equipment and everyone who works at their facilities are Swedish citizens. The data centers are staffed 24x7 and their equipment is in their own space, with approved staff, who has ID checks always performed on site. Furthermore, several levels of camera-monitored physical protection must also be passed to enter into the facilities.

Technically, both Virtual Hive and our trusted cloud partner, work to maintain and improve the security of the infrastructure on an ongoing basis and to offer services that will facilitate a secure application operation.

Old Way

Branded screen sharing and website extensions with option to change logo, fonts, and colour palette.

New Way

Animated and branded 3D environment where frame of mind and feelings is greatly persuaded.

Cadence of events
Always-on portal
Relationship building
Transaction of knowledge
American servers
Multi-tenancy & GDPR
Siloed for Event
Flow to tech-stack
Default scenes
Custom & standard skins
All event formats
Selected event formats
Branded 2D
Animated & branded 3D
Same content for all
Recommended content
Occurs simultaneously
Can happen unsynchronised
Mixed energy
Renewable energy
Top-notch production aside, how effectively are we showcasing it_
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