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Intuitive User Journey

Navigation & CTAs

Andritz AG Doors to Lobby to their learning rooms-2

Seamless Learning Journey

Seamless Learning Journey

By using hotspots to guide users through different sections of the platform or to external content, companies can create a seamless and engaging learning journey. This helps in keeping users engaged and informed, enhancing the overall effectiveness of their presentations.


Targeted Content Delivery

Targeted Content Delivery

Administrators can assign individuals to meetings, webinars, or events, and include keyword-based content filtering. This targeted delivery ensures that attendees receive content relevant to their interests and roles, enhancing the value of their participation.


Enhanced Engagement

Enhanced Engagement

By adding a red ‘live’ badge to indicate attendable sessions and displaying the visitor’s name at the top of the program, companies can create a more interactive and engaging experience for attendees. This personal touch fosters a sense of importance and involvement among participants.

Navigational Menu

Customisable Bottom Menu for Enhanced Navigation

The platform offers a customisable bottom menu for enhanced navigation. Users can adjust names, items, and links. The desktop version displays 6-8 items, depending on word length.

Bottom menu on Virtual Hive
Personal Program

Tailor-Made Agendas
for Every Attendee

The platform provides personalised schedules for attendees to view and join events. Live sessions are marked with a red ‘live’ badge. Administrators can assign speakers, add details, and set timeframes. Only future events are shown, ensuring relevance.

Live notications in program and top menu


Navigable Environment

Ensuring that users have easy access to relevant and valuable content

By utilising link hotspots, companies can create a more interactive, engaging, and navigable virtual environment for their users.

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Seamless Navigation

Engage and Guide
with Link Hotspots

Link Hotspots act as CTAs (Call-to-Actions), guiding attendees to relevant content like videos, articles, or external URLs. They can be strategically placed in all scenes, enriching the learning experience. Unlimited hotspots can be added per page, maintaining visual appeal, and can open content within the platform or in a new browser window. Hover text offers detailed explanations for enhanced interaction.

Link and hotspots with hovering text on all CTAs across the Virtual Hive platform
Let your attendees be their own editors
Navigation & CTAs

Enhance Your Event with Customisable Features

The platform features a customisable bottom menu for enhanced navigation. Users can tailor the menu's naming, number of items, and links to meet specific needs. The desktop version can display 6-8 items, depending on word length.

A personal program is integrated within the platform, allowing attendees to see their schedules with live sessions marked by a red ‘live’ badge. Administrators can add speakers or hosts and set timeframes for events, ensuring attendees see relevant, timely content. Events can be open or exclusive, based on invitations.

Link Hotspots serve as CTAs, guiding attendees to relevant content such as videos, articles, or external URLs. An unlimited number of hotspots can be added per page, maintaining visual appeal. These hotspots can open content within the platform or in a new browser window, with hover text offering detailed explanations.

Interactive popups provide timely information, guiding attendees to key areas or activities. Customisable popups can prompt upcoming events, feature navigation buttons, and control display locations. Options include forced navigation to ensure attendee engagement with specific content.

Interactive Popups

Provide Timely Info, Guiding Attendees To Key Activities

Schedule popups with custom messages, headers, and logos. Redirect attendees with navigation buttons and ensure engagement with forced navigation. Visual upgrade coming soon ✌️

Example of pop-up
Use Cases

The Use Case for Your Needs

Bottom menu

Bottom menu on Virtual Hive

The platform features a customisable bottom menu, designed to enhance navigation. This menu can be tailored in terms of naming, the number of items, and the links behind each item, providing flexibility to meet your specific needs. The number of items displayed on the desktop version can range between 6-8, depending on the length of the words. 

Personal Program

Live notications in program and top menu

A personal schedule or agenda is integrated within the platform, allowing attendees to see upcoming events, join sessions, and plan their time. Live sessions, meetings, or conferences will appear with a red ‘live’ badge, indicating they can be attended. The visitor’s name will appear at the top of the program, such as "Welcome Thor."

Administrators can add one or more speakers or hosts to a program or presentation, including images and text for additional information about these individuals. The personal program feature is only possible if the administrator assigns an individual to a meeting, webinar, or event. Like the registration form, the personal program can reflect keyword-based content, allowing attendees to filter their schedules accordingly.

For any program to appear on an individual's page, the administrator must set a timeframe for the item. This timeframe can be set to a couple of days to create urgency or be eternal if always relevant. Attendees will see and join the meetings and presentations they have access to, whether live or on-demand, enabling administrators to control visibility and timing, such as for a company-wide product launch or an internal meeting before a public announcement.

If no one is specifically invited, the event is open to everyone. However, if someone is added or invited, the event becomes exclusive to them. It is an open event if there are no specific participants listed. Additionally, only items scheduled for the future (after 'now') will be shown in the program.

Link Hotspots

Link and hotspots with hovering text on all CTAs across the Virtual Hive platform

Hotspots are 'explore points' or CTAs (Call-To-Actions) designed to guide attendees to relevant or adjacent content topics. These direction points can be strategically placed across virtual scenes and can lead to videos, written content hosted on the platform, or external sources such as URLs. Hotspots enhance the learning journey by providing seamless navigation. Their placement across the screen is also flexible, allowing you to position them where they will be most effective.

An unlimited number of hotspots can be added per page, constrained only by visual appeal. These hotspots can navigate to different scenes within the platform or link to external content, either viewed in an 80% view inside the platform or opened in a new browser window. Notice in the image below how you can also add a hovering text to the hotspot to reveal an in-depth explanation of what will happen once you click.

Interactive Popups

Example of pop-up

The popup feature in Virtual Hive provides attendees with timely information throughout the event, guiding them to key areas or activities within the platform. Popups can be set to appear at specific times to prompt attendees about upcoming workshops, sessions, or networking opportunities, carrying custom messages and activating automatically according to the event schedule.

Customisation options include tailoring the header and text, adding a logo, and deciding the exact appearance time. Popups can feature a navigation button to redirect attendees to a specified URL or another page within the platform. Administrators can control the display location, choosing between all pages, specific scenes, or just at the stands. Additionally, popups can be configured for 'forced navigation,' ensuring attendees click the associated button to proceed to the specified scene. Both a traditional 'close' button and a 'navigational-CTA/button' can be included. This feature will soon receive a visual upgrade.

Customisable Menu
Personal Program
Tags on content
Live & on-demand
Editable CTAs
Unlimited CTAs
Timed popups
Enjoy the Journey

Make Them Their Own Editors

Route attendees to key activities while letting them personalise their journey, just like the Danish Trade Council's Chinese business promotion campaign.

The Danish Trade Council in Shanghai through Virtual Hive
Interactivity 2.0

A More engaging Virtual Environment

"By utilising link hotspots, companies can create more navigable meetings, ensuring that users have easy access to relevant and valuable content."

Sofie Colding, Customer Success Manager, Virtual Hive
Sofie ColdingCustomer Success Manager, Virtual Hive
Modular Paths

Make It Exactly How You Want It

Flow of information_ User journey
Ensure Efficiency and Engagement

Streamline Navigation in Digital Meetings

Companies need better navigation and CTAs within digital meetings to avoid follow-up emails and tedious post-conversations. Effective in-meeting guidance ensures smoother interactions, immediate engagement, and streamlined communication.


MacBook Air (2022)


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