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Configit Technology Summit 2024 - 2

Configit's 2024
Tech Summit

This event, attended by industry leaders and experts, showcased the latest trends and technologies in B2B manufacturing.



Configit is a leading provider of Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM) solutions, empowering manufacturers to master the complexity of configuring, pricing, and quoting. Configit’s solutions help streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive business growth.


Configit aimed to host the 2024 Configuration Lifecycle Management Summit to provide a virtual platform for industry leaders and professionals. The goal was to facilitate knowledge sharing, demonstrate the latest CLM technologies, and promote networking among attendees.


Configit utilised our virtual experience platform to host the two-day summit. The event featured Business Day, focusing on market challenges and data orchestration, and Technology Day, highlighting practical applications and technology use-cases. The summit included expert panels, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities, all accessible globally.


The summit demonstrated impressive engagement, with video plays accounting for 89% of unique participants and downloads representing 26%. The significant growth in unique visitors showcased a growing audience. Additionally, the high average browsing time and substantial rise in overall interactions highlighted the event's success in captivating participants.

How We Helped Configit (Again)

Expert Insights and Interactive Sessions on the Future of Manufacturing

Configit successfully hosted their 2024 Configuration Lifecycle Management Summit on our cutting-edge virtual experience platform. This event, attended by industry leaders and experts, showcased the latest trends and technologies in B2B manufacturing. It featured two dynamic days of interactive sessions and industry insights.

Business Day on May 15 focused on orchestrating configuration data, addressing market challenges, and enhancing responsiveness to market changes.

Technology Day on May 16 delved into practical applications, technology use-cases, and successful implementation of Configuration Lifecycle Management.

The summit also included expert panels with speakers from Premier Tech, PTC, PwC, NVIDIA, and MAN Energy Solutions. Additionally, a key highlight was the Gartner Report, which emphasized the expected transformation of 40% of manufacturers through configuration lifecycle management by 2026, significantly reducing the need for customer-specific engineering.

Configit’s 2024 Summit demonstrated the power of our virtual experience platform in delivering a seamless, engaging, and informative event. By leveraging our technology, Configit not only reached a global audience but also provided valuable industry insights and networking opportunities, making the summit a resounding success.





Attendee Programs

Attendee Programs

The Configit Technology Summit offered tailored programs for attendees, creating personalised agendas, session recommendations, and notifications based on individual interests. This bespoke approach ensured relevant content and maximised engagement throughout the summit.

Event Highlights

Event Highlights

Attendees enjoyed tailored agendas, session recommendations, and notifications that matched their individual interests. This bespoke approach ensured that each participant engaged with relevant content, fostering a more meaningful and impactful summit experience.

Post-Event Impact

Post-Event Impact

Attendees received follow-up materials tailored to their interests, including session recordings, personalised insights, and additional resources. This post-event engagement ensured that participants continued to benefit from the summit's content and remained connected to the community, enhancing the overall value of their experience.

What Was Needed

Requested Features for Configit's Virtual Technology Summit

  • Seamless Registration: A streamlined registration process with features like single sign-on for easy participant access.
  • Custom Landing Pages: Personalised landing pages that reflect the branding and specifics of the event, tailored to each attendee.
  • Detailed Content: Comprehensive speaker bios, session overviews, and additional resources to provide attendees with valuable insights.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Personalised notifications and reminders for key sessions and events.
  • Interactive Tools: Engagement tools such as Q&A, live polling, and feedback mechanisms to enhance interaction during the event.
  • Post-Event Resources: Follow-up materials tailored to individual interests, including session recordings and personalised insights.
  • Networking Opportunities: Features that facilitate connections and networking among participants based on their professional interests and goals.


  • Analytics and Reporting: Tools to gather and analyse attendee data to continuously improve the event experience and measure engagement.



Configit 2024 Technology Summit
Technology Summit

Expert Insights and Interactive Sessions

Drawing a diverse international audience and driving substantial engagement, Configit’s 2024 CLM Summit highlighted cutting-edge solutions through dynamic presentations and live Q&A sessions. 

Configit x Virtual Hive
Configit Technology Summit 2024 - 1-1
What Configit Achieved


Event 1: Business Summit on May 15
  • Wide reach User Interactions: Downloads accounted for 18% of total interactions, indicating active content engagement.

  • Video Engagement: Video plays represented 52% of the total interactions.

  • Session Activity: The average browsing time was significantly high, demonstrating deep engagement.
Event 2: Technology Summit on May 16
  • Video Engagement Video plays represented 40% of the total interactions.

  • Visitor Metrics: The total number of visitors nearly doubled, indicating a growing audience.
  • Overall Engagement: The substantial rise in overall interactions highlights the event's success in engaging participants comprehensively.

Need to host a virtual summit?

Got questions about Virtual Hive and its capabilities? Our team is here to help. Contact us for quick and friendly support. You can also learn about the platform in the sandbox demo here.
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