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Make a product launch that not only showcases your product but also drives real results.
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Platform Success Criteria

Why Your Product Launch Fails on Standard Video Conferencing

Experience Platform

Position Your Business As An Innovator In the Market

Current stage: Businesses struggle to create engaging digital meetings. Limited customisation and branding inconsistencies hinder a cohesive, memorable brand experience.

Desired Stage: Equip your business - just like Nilfisk - with a customisable virtual platform that scales your product launch and creates visually engaging, brand-aligned environments that stand out.


In-Meeting Programs

Achieve Seamless Coordination with Streamlined Meeting Workflows

Configit Technology Summit 20242
Go the Extra Mile

Stand Out and Captivate Your Future Customers

Use Cases

The Use Case for Your Needs


Sector Launch

Sector Launch

The platform enables the creation of a dynamic virtual sector launch for clusters of similar companies entering a new market or industries with complementary products. Companies can seamlessly showcase their offerings, foster collaboration, and engage live and on-demand with potential customers and partners. By leveraging integrated tools and interactive features, the platform helps create a cohesive and impactful virtual presence that drives collective success and market penetration like Food Nation

Product Launch

Product Launch

Seamlessly disseminate product updates and training materials to ensure cohesion and consistency among employees, business partners, and customers. This unified educational distribution empowers agents, sales channels, and team members to make more informed decisions. See how Nilfisk and Configit did this. 

Service Launch

Service Launch

The hybrid and virtual environment adds data and insights to the company's omni-channel orchestration. From global conferences to live meetings and focused roundtables, virtual events enrich content and channel strategies but also expand the scope and reach beyond traditional physical settings known for relationship building. The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs needed to launch their Trade Council services in China with hosting inside Mainland China, which we helped them with (image from this event). 

The Tipping Point of Virtual Engagement

Businesses and individuals are at a crucial tipping point. Traditional screensharing and generic video conferences no longer engage audiences effectively, while the immersive metaverse feels just out of reach for many.

There’s a growing demand for dynamic virtual interactions that don't require a full leap into the metaverse. Bridge this gap and keep your audience excited by adopting advanced virtual launch solutions that offer engaging, yet simple, branded experiences.

The advancement of sharing business knowledge 2

Why blend in with your competitors when you can stand out?

Dynamic Content Display

Showcase Your Launch with the Products You're Introducing

Display images, videos, and PDFs in an 80% desktop view, ensuring easy navigation and allowing for customisation to create a personalised, branded, and engaging user experience. Learn more here.
Example of customisation of PDF viewer in the Virtual hive platform on main stage with two banners03
In-Meeting Programs

Launch Products With Video, Text, Audio, And Images, While Engaging With Live Q&A Across All Media

Use Case for Your Needs

Product Launches We're Proud to Showcase

To make an engaging knowledge sharing experience, we need to help our audience cross two hurdles
  • 01 Welcome Attendees
  • 02 Deliver Live Content
  • 03 Route Relevant Content
  • 04 Facilitate Networking
  • 05 Monitor Engagement
  • 06 Provide a Wrap-up

Covering all Necessary Topics

Greet participants with a personalised welcome message and provide an overview of the event. Ensure they know how to navigate the platform and access the live and on-demand content.

Platform_ Navigation & CTAs_ Personalised Experience


Honouring Everyone's Time

Host live sessions featuring keynote speakers, product demonstrations, and Q&A sessions. Use interactive features to engage attendees and encourage participation.


Program and Content_ Video & Streaming_ Scalable Streaming Capabilities


Enable Attendees to Choose

Automatically route attendees to content relevant to their interests. Ensure each stakeholder type has access to tailored information, enhancing their experience and engagement. 


Program and Content_ Access & Languages_ Navigation & Access_ Targeted Content Delivery


Build Community

Create breakout rooms and chat features for attendees to interact with each other and the presenters. Encourage networking to build community and foster connections.

Program and Content_ Video & Streaming_ Efficient Participant Management


Figure Out How to Improve

Track attendee participation in live sessions, interactions in breakout rooms, and views of on-demand content. Use this data to gauge interest and engagement levels.

Platform_ Data & Analytics_ Enhanced Event Performance-1


Summarising the Meeting

Ensure all content is available on-demand after the event. This allows attendees to revisit sessions, catch up on missed content, and continue engaging with the material.


Program and Content_ Access & Languages_ Customised User Experience


Let Attendees Be Their Own Editors


Keynote Speaking

A specialised room for keynote speakers ensures impactful, clear presentations, allowing participants to fully absorb and engage with the content.


Thought-Provoking Talks

Accommodate multiple speakers with seamless audio and video communication, enabling participants to actively engage, and gain diverse perspectives. 


Simultaneous Speaking

The forum format room facilitates dynamic exchanges, encourages collaboration, and enables attendees to dive deeper into specific topics, creating a rich and interactive environment for knowledge exploration and community engagement.


Gain Valuable Insights
Through UTM Support

Integrating with external CRM systems allows companies to transfer UTM data seamlessly. This capability ensures that marketing data is readily available, enhancing customer relationship management and marketing automation strategies.
Admin view of how to control UTM parametres in the Virtual Hive platform
Attendee Newsticker

Enhancing Launch Communication


A news ticker in a virtual launch provides real-time updates and key announcements, keeping attendees informed without leaving the main event. Displaying countdowns, directions, and live poll results, it ensures participants stay engaged and organised, enhancing their overall experience.

Which of the following virtual facts is not true_-1
Bring Products to Market

Refine Your Go-to-Market Strategy

To effectively engage stakeholders, companies should focus on personalised, targeted virtual product launches. Leverage data to understand audience preferences, channel effectiveness, and content relevance. Reassess content strategies and address gaps to meet audience needs in delivery, timing, and format. 

Immerse your audience with virtual product demos, interactive presentations, and virtual showrooms. Seamlessly showcase product features and benefits while gathering feedback to refine your strategy. Create memorable virtual experiences that drive sales and customer loyalty.

Tailor content for attendees to ensure high engagement, both live and on-demand. Customise the experience to meet their needs for maximum support and availability. Showcase your brand with custom banners, logos, and promotional materials. Extend this branding to collaborators and external speakers for a cohesive look.

Leverage data and analytics to understand attendee engagement. Use these insights to maintain relevant dialogues and share data across your tech ecosystem. This helps keep attendees engaged and informed, ensuring a successful virtual product launch.

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